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Pacific Northwest, United States
I am The Shytrovert a proud, moderately shy INFP and this is my blog. I write about society, relationships, current events and how shy and introverted folks can cope in an extroverted world.


Shytrovert Random Rant: Is Short Hair on Women Not Sexy? Somebody Better Tell Halle Berry

As Featured On EzineArticles

I recently saw an article on Daily Mail where the commenters were raving about a Victoria's Secret model that had the AUDACITY to cut her hair short.  She's a perfectly lovely young woman and probably would be with a buzz cut, but some of these nut balls were saying she wasn't sexy with her hair in an adorable bob.  WTF?  I guess these are the same people who claim that Kim K. is a fat ass.  LOL.  Right.

If short hair is so unsexy, how in the hell do you explain Halle Berry?  She is not some exception either.  There's the young Mia Farrow and the cute-as-she-wants-to-be Ms. Cameron Diaz.  

To paraphrase Forest Gump, sexy is as sexy does.  Hair is just a small part of the sexy.   Sexy is the totality of the woman and that even includes her facial beauty and figure.  It's her comportment, voice, fashion sense – all of that plus that element of je ne sais quoi that makes a woman sexy.  Ask any man or lesbian, they'll tell you. 
If you think this isn't sexy, get to an emergency room, fast. 
You're very, ill

Take a woman like Jennifer Aniston, not a classic beauty by any means, but inexplicably pretty.  If I were to take her apart, her face anyway, the beauty is hard to add up.  She has a huge jaw, a weird nose, her eyes even seem a little close together, but the totality of her - glowing skin, vibrant blue eyes, and her fit, slender (but not too slender) body with its pleasant curvaciousness – well, it's no wonder she caught Brad Pitt's eye and is considered sexy well into her 40s.

Would Ms. Aniston be as fetching with shorter hair?  Possibly; who can say for sure? My point is nobody can say that short hair on every single woman is not sexy.  Maybe on some women it isn't, butI can definitely say that not every woman is automatically sexy with longer hair.   

I will say this, there exists a strong cultural bias toward long hair on women (as well as short hair on men).  Fortunately, as with many things in life, what we take for granted as the natural order of things isn't always so - nor should it be.